Category Archives: Craft & Skills

Write a short story? I’d Rather Floss Chicken Teeth!

Flossing a chicken’s teeth would be much easier than writing a short story. Or, that’s what I thought.chicken3-240x240

I found myself facing this problem after writing six novels. I couldn’t wrap my head around a shorter piece of work. Everything I tried I sounded like an outline for a novel.

Books on outlining didn’t help. Workshops provided little insight. Critique groups, well, I could help someone to better tell their story. Heck, I’d even edited an acclaimed anthology, but I couldn’t write a good short story to save myself.

How could I overcome this block?

I really wanted to know what eluded me about this form. After many attempts, I found a formula that helped in all aspects of short story writing. This four step process taught me how to write short stories:

1) Read short stories, not novels. By reading short stories I learned what forms and genres I really liked and disliked. There’s no point in trying to write in a genre or with a style that doesn’t speak to you.

2) Choose a genre which speaks to you. For example, I love some literary style authors and I love science fiction stories. Literary style I can read but I can’t figure out the voice. With science fiction I understand the voice and the genre, but I’m not as adept as I’d like to be with the science. Hence, I don’t have the confidence to write it. How did I learn this about myself? Check out point number three …

3) Retell the stories that interest you. This is how I figured out if I had the desire, the passion to write certain stories. When I retold a story, I paid close attention to the plot and how it unfolded. I became aware of style, plot, character and the tropes common to the genre.  Most importantly, I had to feel the voice and the passion for the genre. Once I discovered what stories energized and excited me, the final step was easy.

4) Write an original story in the genre and voice that excites you.

That’s it. It’s that easy.

Should you publish or submit a retold story? That’s another matter. Issues of public domain arise and rightly so. Some stories I deleted because my intent was only to learn from them. Others, even if there are no public domain issues, may be published in the future but with full disclosure as to the source of inspiration.

Where did I finally find my voice? With fables and fairy tales and people’s stories of old. I love it. The most curious thing I learned was that it wasn’t about setting for me for I’ve set my stories in worlds of fantasy, science fiction, and yes, there’s even a literary one or two! My real journey was to find my story telling voice.

The cheat of the matter was this: later on, I recognized that my writing voice had always been with me. I had heard it, felt it even but I had tried to squeeze it into forms and stories that didn’t suit it. That was the heart of the problem. That is the heart of this journey – to hear the voice within you and to find the form that fits it.

How to Set an Unconventional Writing Schedule

If you have read anything by me on this blog before this post, you know I’m all about the unconventional way of doing things. What works for one person might not work for me, and similarly, what works for most people does not work for me. For example, I don’t write every day. I don’t make myself sit, ass to chair, for hours until something happens. If I couldn’t possibly force myself to write that day, I do something else, usually creative. Sometimes a week goes by and I haven’t brainstormed, written, or edited a single word. On the other side of that coin are some extremely productive spurts. I’ll write a novel in a month. I’ll write a short story in a day. I’ll outline an entire book in a week or less. You can probably deduce where I’m going with this. Absolutely stay true to this one thing, if nothing else: listen and obey what works for you.

What I propose is not an easy road. It requires you to be in-tune with yourself every day, and be honest with yourself. That means if you know you will not produce your best work today, then you might want to do other creative and important activities instead. That also means you should make yourself sit down, ass to chair, if you are perfectly capable of churning out prose but you just don’t feel like it. That’s where being honest with yourself comes in.

As an aside, what other creative things could you do instead?. Plenty. You may be stressed, tired, irritated. Try coloring, cooking, painting, even cleaning if that’s what will satisfy your brain and calm you down. If you sit and write and you’re rushing through every sentence to hit a word count, then what’s the point? Good work can’t be rushed, and if it is, it can’t be expected to be great work. It may even make more work for you in the end as you’re editing.

Ask yourself a series of questions to get an idea of how best you work.

  1. Do I work (not specifically writing) best in the morning or evening? When do I feel the most focused?
  2. Do I like to have people around when I write?
  3. Is silence best when I write? If not, do I prefer ambient noise or music?
  4. At what time durning the day do I start getting tired?
  5. Would I feel better if I got my writing in at the beginning of my day?
  6. Would I feel best if I wrote when my day concluded, all responsibilities done and taken care of?
  7. Have I noticed if my writing is more rushed or hurried if I am hungry, tired, or cold?
  8. Do I tend to nod off when I’m writing? What are the conditions (early morning, too warm, late at night)?
  9. When do I have the most energy in my day?
  10. Have I noticed a certain time of day where I do not feel like writing at all?
  11. Have I noticed a certain emotion that negatively affects my writing? A positive emotion that helps my writing flow better?
  12. Is there a month each year where I’m consistently not writing due to busyness or stress?
  13. After I write a novel or short story, do I prefer to have a time to let the writing rest before jumping right into editing? Do I need to jump right into editing to keep up the momentum?
  14. Under what conditions do I experience burnout?
  15. Are there activities in my life that are in direct odds with my writing and/or writing time?
  16. Do I like to think of work on a project-to-project basis or a day-to-day basis?
  17. Do I like to work on one piece of writing at a time or multiple pieces?

As you answer the questions, you might have some important realizations. If you still aren’t sure or can’t find a good time or season for writing, consider keeping a simple daily log of your writing time and note the time, how you feel, the room temperature, if you’re hungry/full/just right, any large stressors in your life at the time, and how you feel about your project right then. Feel free to add more things to note to the list. Over time, you’ll come across patterns in your writing times, what worked best, and certain things that bombed your working time.

Many writers have kept curious schedules throughout history. Henry Miller’s morning consisted of “if”s: “If groggy, type notes and allocate, as stimulus. If in fine fettle, write.” Ernest Hemingway, who wrote standing, said, “When I am working on a book or a story I write every morning as soon after first light as possible. There is no one to disturb you and it is cool or cold and you come to your work and warm as you write. You read what you have written and, as you always stop when you know what is going to happen next, you go on from there. You write until you come to a place where you still have your juice and know what will happen next and you stop and try to live through until the next day when you hit it again.” To read more about other famous writers’ routines, visit

Also consider this graph of creative peoples’ routines in a 24-hour period. Note also that these schedules may have changed over time. Because the most important rule is and will always be: do what works for you.

While it can take weeks, months, or even years to nail down a routine that works for you, there’s something to be said for just jumping in. Once you’ve taken a personal inventory of your habits and routines, you may find a suitable writing time daily or a chunk of weeks in which to complete a project. It may not be perfect, but it doesn’t have to be. It will never be the perfect day or the perfect moment to write. The key is hitting a time that nearly is perfect, and running wild.

Welcome to 2016!

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2016, and may it be your best year yet.

It’s almost cliché to open January with a “let’s come up with resolutions that we can ignore at the first sign of trouble” topic. Instead, I thought it would be a better idea to focus this month on ways you can actually achieve those writing goals of yours.

We’ll have a wide range of items to help you make January a success. Articles include:

  • Software to help your productivity.
  • Personal methods working authors employ to get their projects completed.
  • Motivation and tips for those days when your muse was out getting hammered at the local watering hole last night.
  • Setting and reaching reasonable and achievable goals.
  • Suggested non-fiction books (and reviews) that are worth your time.
  • Tips for plotting your next book, and tips for winging it.
  • …and plenty more!

Guests this month include Petra Klarbrunn, Stant Litore, and Annik Valkanberg.

In 2016 the Fictorians will debut a monthly author interview series. The project will debut on January 29th, the last weekday of the month. You can expect a new interview monthly.

Tune in every weekday for a new article focusing on the writing lifestyle. Let’s go!

We’ll Call it a Win

GoalGood-bye 2015!

As always, there were good times and bad.  This past month, we’ve focused on some of the good, some of the lessons learned, and some of the milestones we celebrated.

As a group, the Fictorians accomplished a lot in 2015.  We passed our 1000th post, and our site was viewed about 65,000 times.

As individuals, we learned and progressed a lot too.  Some of us celebrated important milestones:

Jace Kilian completed a novel!  i-finally-finished-a-novel

And in December, I celebrated the launch of A Stone’s Throw, my third major release this year.  a-stones-throw-launching-a-sequel

We discussed things we’ve learned about writing.

David Carrico on-being-a-gps-writer, Nathan Barra balancing-the-story-engineer-and-the-mad-man, and I franks-pantsing-doctrine wrote about seat-of-the-pants writing verses outlining, and how those two often opposing approaches to story design can work together.

Time management featured large in our thoughts as we reviewed strides forward.  From David Heyman, we learned that any time can be productive writing time, even taking a shower.  writing-while-you-condition-and-rinse.  Evan Braun discussed building habits to deal with deadlines getting-ahead-of-deadlines, and Vickie Morris reminded us to stop worrying.  We’ll find the time for those things that are important.  creating-the-time

There’s always time for sharing of wisdom, and James A. Owen reminded us to be aware of what we don’t want as much as we yearn for those things we do.  all-the-good-things-that-you-do-not-want

Kim May reminded us to always be ready with your pitch at all times.  promotion-at-the-drop-of-a-hat, and Mary Pletsch admitted that networking is important.  i-dont-want-to-know-that-sometimes-its-who-i-know

Gregory Little shared insights about the publishing process.  everything-i-need-to-know-i-learned-in-indy-garten As did Kevin Ikenberry:  sometimes-you-have-to-let-go

Jo Schneider discussed the importance of great characters.  who-has-time-to-waste-on-people-you-dont-like, and Travis Heermann discussed the importance of making the most out of your scenes.  scenes-it-aint-just-the-cliffhanger

Amanda Faith reminded us to take time for ourselves and our personal development.  for-me

Kristin Luna reviewed K.M. Weiland’s Outlining and Structuring novels guides.  k-m-weilands-outlining-your-novel-part-one and k-m-weilands-structuring-your-novel-part-two

We started presenting author interviews, which will become a regular feature throughout 2016.  Ace Jordyn interviewed Jayne Barnard and discussed her steampunk Maddie Hatter and the Deadly Diamonddueling-parasols-and-creating-a-steampunk-world-jayne-barnard-tells-all and jayne-barnard-on-maddie-hatters-steampunk-society

With so many things to celebrate, we’ll tip our hats to the challenges we overcame and the lessons learned, and we’ll call 2015 a win.

Let’s make 2016 even better.