Some people have the luxury of being full-time writers and hopefully make a living at it. Many, however, have to squish out time in the morning, evening, weekends, lunches, from the family, or whenever they have a few moments. All of these options are perfectly valid. We all have to do what we can do whether it’s 20 words, 2000 or more. Recently, I felt as though someone was disparaging my ability to produce with a comment about how much they produce daily. I’m glad that this person has the ability to get the words out. Right now, I am not able to. It bugged me enough that I felt compelled to say to all my writerly type friends – to each their own.
There are days when I am in the zone and not running a thousand errands and I am able to produce great words in good quantities or even good words in great quantities. But, then there are times when I have family concerns, medical issues, time constraints (plug in whatever in life is slowing you down) and I am unable to produce anything. When I can work, writing a short story might be no problem. When life is in the way, I’m doing good to write an email or a blog.
Is this a problem for someone who wants to write full time? Of course it is. And, do we all have to find that balance to have a family, day job, friends and… write. Yes we do. Sometimes, we even succeed. Sometimes, we don’t. But only we know if we are doing all we can or not; only we can hold ourselves accountable.
The point, I guess, is – you know what you can do and when. No one else is privy to the distractions, both serious and frivolous, that hinder you from you’re writing endeavors. So, do what you can, when you can and don’t worry about anyone else.