Category Archives: Guest Posts

Inspiration through Conflict

A guest post by Jace Sanders.

Dead Poets Society movie poster.

When I was sixteen, I stood atop my desk surrounded by those considered to be my peers. Everyday in Honors English I felt like a fraud; the other students were much smarter than I. But standing on my desk at that moment, I saw the world differently. I felt inspired, but even more so, I felt like I could inspire. I wanted to excel in academics, to become a scholar. The notion seemed far-fetched at the time, being that my father was a college dropout and his father never attended high school. I resolved to be the first in my paternal line to graduate from a university. Carpe diem.

The inspiration came from watching Dead Poets Society. It was the first time I remember crying during a film. I found that Neil’s tragic suicide left a void in my mind. I craved an alternate resolve-a happy ending. My mind returned again and again to the plot, as if trying to prevent the suicide by working into the story a phone call to Neil’s father or an intervention by Mr. Keating. If only.

Conflict is all around us: in nature, music, relationships, science, math, and life. It can be found everywhere. Through conflict we discover greatness. In writing, without conflict there is no plot, there is no protagonist, and there is no story.

In music, conflict is called dissonance. It is said that Mozart’s father would wake up his son by playing a dissonant chord (a dominant seventh) on the piano. Invariably, Mozart would have to resolve the chord, changing the 7th to the 8th, completing the octave and putting his world in balance.

We crave resolution. Through our choices we seek to resolve hundreds, if not thousands of conflicts each and every day.

In writing, resolution doesn’t necessarily mean that everything is wrapped up nice with a pretty bow on top. At the end of Dead Poets Society, after Neil’s death, and Keating’s termination, the group of young men are faced with a choice-a conflict. They can either continue to let others tell them what to think, or they can seize the day and think for themselves. It started with Todd, the protagonist. He chose, under threat of expulsion, to defy the temporary professor by standing on his desk, facing Mr. Keating, and proclaiming, “Oh Captain! My Captain!” The act inspired a dozen other young men to follow.

At the end of the movie, we don’t know if the students were expelled or if any consequences followed their stunt. As a teenager, my mind wanted confirmation that everything turned out okay. I wanted to know that their lives were better off. The ending doesn’t give me any such assurance, only hope.

The real resolution, and the power of this story, is in the courage and resolve of the Dead Poet’s Society to think for themselves and look at the world in a different way, from another vantage point.

The suicide, though tragic, is a resolution. Neil escaped the conflict between him and his father. The poignant scene is slow and methodical. Even though I know how it ends, I still yearn for a change to Neil’s ritual as he prepares to take his life. I think of the man he could become, but I think in vain. The event hangs out there like a dissonant chord needing to be resolved. As I watch the tragedy unfold, I look for resolution outside of the images I see. I reflect on those people I know who may struggle to follow their heart amidst opposition. I am inspired to find opportunities to make that needed phone call, to offer that hand, to share a kind word and maybe prevent a similar tragedy.

About a year after watching Dead Poets Society, I saw such an opportunity. A friend, who had lost her brother in an accident, seemed to be having an unusually rough day. After pursuing my inclination, she admitted to having taken a handful of pills and was on her way to the bathroom to finish the bottle.

The voice of author Tracy Hickman occasionally pops into my head, asking the question, “Why do I write?” A dramatic pause follows and then I answer, “To inspire.”

I have been inspired by happy and sad endings, and endings in between. Those stories that have inspired me most are those whose endings hang out there like a dissonant chord that only I can resolve.

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Jace Sanders lives in Arizona with his wife and five children. In addition to writing, he enjoys music, photography, and anything outdoors. He holds a Masters in Business Administration from Utah State University and works for a biotech company.

What I Found in Forrester

A guest post by Victoria D. Morris.

Movie poster for Finding Forrester.

I attend a lot of movies. I appreciate what they bring to the world artistically, and visually. I especially appreciate them when they touch the core of who I am. And when they do that unexpectedly, they join my personal collection.

Finding Forrester is one such movie.

For the most part, I consider myself two different fans. One, the reader. The one who can’t put a great book down until it’s finished, even if that means it’s 3:00 a.m. with the alarm set to blare at me not four hours later. Because that was a darn good book.

And then there is the movie fan. She can’t wait for all those stories she loves on the page to come to life on the big screen. She wants to see all the wonder, hear all the emotion, and taste the magic.

She watches differently than she reads. You have to, really. No screenwriter-and I love so many of them-can take a book and put it on a screen exactly the same. Because they read it differently than I do, even differently than its author did. Than any reader does! But they always, always try their best to tell a good story.

I had no expectations walking into the theatre to see Finding Forrester. It was a movie-day out with my best friend. Watching movies is one of my favorite hobbies. Particularly since I’d moved out of state, these special treats were few and far between.

We sat down together, laughing, enjoying each other’s company, until the previews started. Then the first bits of rap were performed during the opening scenes… and I was instantly transported, through my own life, back into one of the roughest neighborhoods in the city where I was born, where I grew up and found ways to beat back the hardship and scariness of drive-by shootings and crack houses.

But Finding Forrester didn’t scare me. Nor did it threaten to be “that sort” of story. It showed, quite brilliantly to my eyes, how someone-anyone with any kind of talent-could escape unhappy surroundings to find their true place. Their true happy ending.

It showed, too, that hard work is most certainly needed, but also that dreams could come true. Even dreams that you didn’t know you had.

The movie ended, and I couldn’t contain the emotion. I was in tears as the credits rolled. The story had taken me on a visit home, showed me the inner secrets of my heart. The secrets buried there, the ones I’d barely begun to discover, had always been a deep and encompassing part of me.

What kind of storytelling lesson did I learn from the big screen? Finding Forrester taught me that I could be the writer I am becoming. Before seeing that movie, I’d written sporadically throughout my life to help get through difficult emotions. I wrote poems and short stories that sat in dusty drawers as far away from my mind as my imagination had drifted during years of hard corporate world work that moved me physically away from that rough neighborhood.

And after? I’ve completed several novels. Even more short stories. Poems come flying out for the craziest of reasons. Some happy, some sad, but all of them one step closer to reaching a goal so solid in my mind that it is physically visible all around me, moving me emotionally into the place where I could grow, build up, and withstand the riggers of a solitary writing career.

Finding Forrester started me on the path to becoming my most artistic self: the person I am today, and of whom I am by far proudest.

It very much earned a valued place among my digital collection. And watching it again for the purpose of this blog only reaffirmed that.

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Victoria D. Morris lives with her family in the Pacific NorthWest on the edge of a magnificent fairy forest surrounded by mountains.  As both writing and art have been integral to her life up to this point, she is unable to decided which comes first.  She recently found work as a professional editor to be equally rewarding.  Follow Victoria’s website for further adventures and to see where Destiny takes her next.


A guest post by Brenda Sawatzky

Movie poster for Fried Green Tomatoes

“I never get mad, Miss Threadgoode, never. The way I was raised, it was bad manners. Well, I got mad and it felt great! I felt like I could just beat the shit out of all those punks. Excuse my language. And then, when I finish with those punks, I’ll take on all the wife-beaters like Frank Bennett. Machine gun their genitals. Towanda will go on a rampage. I’ll slip tiny bombs into Penthouse and Playboys so they explode when you open them. I’ll ban all fashion models who weigh under 130 pounds. And I’ll give half the military budget to people over sixty-five and declare wrinkles sexually desirable.”

Every one of us could name an all-time favorite movie. They move us, uplift us, make us laugh and sometimes cry. They resonate with us long after the closing credits roll, finding a nesting spot deep within us from which they’ll surface from time to time to bring a smile to our faces. For me, the movie was the 1991 dramedy Fried Green Tomatoes. With award-winning actresses such as Jessica Tandy, Kathy Bates, Mary-Louise Parker, and Mary Stuart Masterson, the stage was set for a parallel story about women, friendship, and finding strength and solidarity in a man’s world.

As writers, we know the importance of storyline, plot, and setting. But in my opinion, a great story is character-driven. Movies and books can take on a variety of milieus, drop us into different time periods, and deliver us to places we’ve never been before, but the characters are what stay with us long after we’ve turned the closing page or returned the TV set to its primordial state of blackness. When we can connect and find symbiosis with a character, we are drawn into their life, regardless of where they live, their age, or what they look like.

In Fried Green Tomatoes, we are introduced to Evelyn, a timid, middle-aged housewife desperate to save her vapid marriage from complete stagnation. A fortuitous friendship develops with Ninny, a soft-spoken, lonely woman in a nursing home who regales Evelyn with stories from her past, giving Evelyn a reason to return time and again, the story developing with each visit. Evelyn has made numerous failed attempts at restoring the sexual fire in her marriage-dieting, wrapping herself in cellophane (you have to see the movie), and attending a class where she’s encouraged to explore her female sexuality.

 Ninny: Now you tell me what’s botherin’ you, sugar.
Evelyn: I just feel so useless. So powerless.
Ninny: Everybody goes through that, but you can’t stop eatin’.
Evelyn: Every day I try and every day I go off. I hide candy bars all over the house.
Ninny: A candy bar ain’t gonna hurt you none.
Evelyn: Oh, no. But ten or eleven? (sigh) I can’t even look at my own vagina.
Ninny: Well now, I can’t help you on that one.

Evelyn eventually discovers self-empowerment by making a connection, vicariously, to an obstinate character in Ninny’s story-Idgy Threadgoode. The movie jumps from Evelyn and Ninny’s 1980s suburbia to a tumultuous 1930s Alabama, linked by Ninny’s story. Ninny, oftentimes in narrative format, draws us into the lives of two young friends, Idgy and Ruth, brought together by chance and inexplicably connected by the powerful love that develops between them.

The movie’s characters are deep yet vulnerable, sucking the viewer into every fragment of their topsy-turvy lives until we and they are intrinsically joined.

As writers, this is our challenge: to create characters that share a humanity with our readers, that demand the reader’s loyalty and make them desire to develop a relationship with them. In part, Fried Green Tomatoes does that by cloaking each character in an attribute or idiosyncrasy that is unique to them, characteristics that we can identify with. Ninny is witty and kind, Evelyn insecure and self-depracating. Ruth is innocent and trusting to a fault while Idgy has developed a thick skin of self-preservation, keeping the world at arm’s length. When thrown together in one story, these characters build on each other’s strengths and break down impenetrable walls. They allow us to believe that anything is possible with a good friend at your side.

The movie also dabbles heavily in the “stuff of life,” the experiences that are the great equalizers of humankind. Idgy’s heart breaks over the death of a brother, and then a best friend. Ninny reconciles herself with aging and mortality. Ruth finds strength in the face of marital abuse, single parenting, and oppressive religious dogma. And Evelyn, of course, finds her spirit, previously lost in disappointing relationships. These, too, are the things that connect us to characters and make us rally around them.

Finally, for me, a memorable movie or book will always include great quotes, little truths surreptitiously wrapped up in humor or acumen. It’s these words of wisdom that linger with us, that come out in colloquial moments among friends, that build our own character.

“After Ruth died and the railroad stopped runnin’, the café shut down and everybody just scattered to the winds. It was never more’n just a little knockabout place, but now that I look back on it, when that café closed, the heart of the town just stopped beatin’. It’s funny how a little place like this brought so many people together.”

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Brenda Sawatzky is a relatively new, unpublished writer hailing from the wide-open prairie spaces of southeast Manitoba. She and her husband of thirty-one years are self-employed and parents to five kids (two ushered in by marriage). She is presently working toward fiction and non-fiction writing for magazines and manages a personal blog.

A guest post by Brenda Sawatzky.


Myths and Legends in Anime

StonepicA guest post by Stone Sanchez.

There have been a more than just a few anime that have drawn inspiration from the myths and legends that cultivate our world, some of them are far more popular than most people realized, while still being completely out in the open about their inspirations. One of the biggest names I know of is Dragon Ball Z.

The main protagonist Goku’s Origins stem from a 16th century novel called Journey to the West, written by the novelist Wu Cheng’en about the Monk Xuanzang traveling to the western regions during the Tang dynasty on a mission handed down to him from the Buddha. Goku’s name is a Japanese translation of one of the main characters’ names, Sun Wukong-a boy with a monkey tale that joins Xuanzang in his journeys alongside two more companions. The classic novel is deeply rooted in Chinese mythological and religious basis, which is where Akira Toriyama drew a lot of his influence from in the early days of Dragon Ball; Goku even had similar weaponry to the legendary literary figure, namely a magical poll that was able to get longer or short on command.

Although as the series progressed, a lot of the roots were covered up with a more science fiction type feel with the introduction of fighters from other planets, those roots found in Journey To The West are ever present in the popularized fighting anime and manga.

Japanese Mangaka have drawn from outside inspirations countless times when building their worlds, anime like Mythical Detective Loki Ragnorak, and even Kaleido Star have relied heavily on the cultures that surrounded them to give life to the internal story and conflict that surround the Manga’s and Anime that are crafted at their roots from these stories.

In Mythical Detective Loki Ragnorak, the anime tells the story of Loki, the Norse god, who’s been trapped in modern day Japan and is using a paranormal detective agency to front his hunt for real magic existing in the world so that he can one day return to Asgard, the home of the gods. As the story progresses a very Japanese spin is thrown into classic Norse mythology, like the introduction of Thor-who normally wields the mighty war hammer Mjolnir, instead hefts a Bokuto (a Japanese wooden sword) by the same name.

Kaleido Star finds one of its source roots around the mythological realm of Tarot cards. The show infers a lot of the readings given by the personification of one of those cards, The Fool, for a lot of the situations that spring up in the life of Sora Nagito, a rising star of the theatrical circus, who is one of the few “chosen by the stage” to be able to see The Fool and granted the right to attempt the Legendary Great Maneuver.  At a later point in the show, it even delves into astrology and reading the stars to determine the paths of the characters.

There are so many ways that ancient and mythological tales find ways to spring into modern storytelling, even in Anime.  These classic tales bring so much to the table whenever they’re implemented and used within the vast scope that this format provides. Just like with old legends and myths that have yet to be discovered, you just have to be willing to look beyond what’s there to see them.

Great Anime: .Hack//Sign, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Evangelion, Basilisk, Desert Punk, Cyborg 009, Another

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Stone Sanchez is an aspiring professional author who has been active in the writing community for the past two years. Currently Stone is associated with the Superstars Writing Seminars, where he records and manages the production of the seminars. He’s also worked with David Farland by recording his workshops, and is currently the Director of Media Relations for JordanCon, the official Wheel of Time fan convention. Often referred to as the “kid” in a lot of circles, Stone is immensely happy that he can no longer be denied access places due to not being old enough.