Category Archives: The Fictorians

All About Attitude

A guest post by John D. Payne

John Payne cover (1)

I was single for a long time, and not by choice. I was sick of dating by the time I was 21, but wasn’t married until 36. It took me 15 years to get noticed at a party by a beautiful, funny woman who shares my love of Firefly and tolerates my love of that greatest of all Canadian contributions to the culinary arts: poutine.

What had I done to catch the eye of my own personal Princess of Power?  Well, aside from riding a sweet tiger to the party and looking great in furry briefs, I had managed to figure out two important truths. First, finding a partner isn’t about trying to figure out what someone else can offer me (such as an escape from the meat market singles scene), but about becoming the kind of person that has something to offer to someone else. Second, a smile is sexier than a mope. (Sorry, Team Edward.)

A lot of getting noticed as an author is about these same changes in attitude.

Consider conventions, like the recent Dallas Fan Expo. I go to these shows to sell books. But if I get focused on the numbers, then I don’t sell well. My smile becomes strained and I start to look as desperate as I feel. If people notice me when I’m in that frame of mind, they’re going to do everything they can to avoid my gaze and escape before I can even open my mouth. That kind of treatment makes anybody feel lousy, so pretty soon I’m viciously cycling. No good.

For me, the cure is to remember that I really do love sharing great stories. Whether they’re mine or not, I really enjoy introducing someone to a book they’re going to love. So instead of pushing my book to every single person I talk to, I actually listen to what they say when I ask them what they like to read, and then try to make a recommendation that will really knock their socks off. In no time flat, I’m enjoying myself again. And my book usually end up flying off the table along with all the others I’m recommending.

Thinking about what I have to offer others is not just a great way to get noticed at conventions. My book was recently included in an ebook bundle.  Part of the reason I think they included me was that the curator has seen me promoting other people’s books on my Facebook page.

(By the way, if you haven’t checked this out, do yourself a favor. Fifteen bucks gets you thirteen books, including fantastic novels by Cat Rambo, Paolo Bacigalupi, Tobias Buckell, and many others.)

Another important shift in attitude for me has been switching from a default assumption of failure to one of success. In dating, I used to go into relationships with the thought that most of them fail. That’s true, statistically speaking.  But I was a lot happier once I started assuming that each new relationship would be the one that would last a lifetime. Looking for reasons to stay in, instead of a justification for bailing out, helped me see a lot more good not just in others but in myself. And eventually I was right.

I try to approach opportunities in my writing career the same way. Four years ago this summer I got an email from an old writing group buddy who made indie fantasy and scifi films. They wanted to release a book and a movie at the same time as an experiment and wondered if I would like to write the novel to go with the film.

It was an intriguing possibility, but I already had plans that summer to change jobs, move (twice), get married, finish writing my dissertation, defend it, and revise it. So I said… Sure! And then we talked about particulars and hammered out a schedule and a contract that we could all live with. In other words, I looked for ways to make it work instead of excuses to stay out.

When I start by assuming that failure is the likely result, I am nearly always right. But being part of a self-fulfilling prophecy is not as satisfying as it sounds. On the other hand, when I start by assuming that there’s a path to success, I am not always right. (Or at least I don’t always find that path.) But often great things happen. And every now and then, something truly miraculous happens. Like the day my wife noticed me at a party, and every day we’ve been together since then.

So, I offer my fellow writers just two bits of advice. Get outside yourself, and show the world what you have to offer. And embrace optimism. Believing that things will turn out for the best is so crazy it just might work.
John D. Payne Bio: John Payne (1)

John D. Payne grew up on the prairie, watching the lightning flash outside his window, imagining himself as everything from a leaf in the wind to the god of thunder. Today, he lives with his wife and family near Houston, where he imagines that the clouds of mosquitoes have achieved not just sentience but malicious intent.
His debut novel, The Crown and the Dragon, was published in 2013 by WordFire Press. The movie was released in 2014 and is currently streaming on Netflix and Amazon. John’s most recently published stories can be found in Black Denim Lit, The Leading Edge, Tides of Impossibility: A Fantasy Anthology from the Houston Writers Guild, and the upcoming Game of Horns: A Red Unicorn Anthology.

Putting Together a Book Tour

A guest post by Katie Cross.

As an indie, I don’t have the luxury of traditional publishing distribution and connections, but I do have connections, so I did a week-long book tour in my hometown of Idaho Falls.

Here’s a breakdown. Note: this post has been cut down for The Fictorians so if you want to see the full post and all numbers then just click here.

Stats and analytics from my Idaho book tour by @kcrosswriting.

School Presentations

How I connected: I emailed the head librarian at my old high school and she set me up with 2 presentations.

Taylorview Junior High:

The presentation: I put together a presentation that combined elements of writing, a lot of memes and pictures, and talked about the writing process and what it was like to be an author. (If you want a copy of it, shoot me an email or a message and I’ll send it your way.)


—Reached about thirty kids per class. In all, I probably taught and met about 100 students.

—Had posters/slide advertising my public library appearance and book signings.

Connections made:

—A lot of the students were on Wattpad.

—I pitched my story Bon Bons to Yoga Pants and increased my following by 20 people. I followed back, read, and critiqued).

Worth it?

Definitely. This was a perfect way to find my target audience and not only get Miss Mabel’s in front of them, but connect, make friends, and learn more about the reading/writing habits/ interests of kids that age.

Idaho Falls High School:

How I connected: My old history teacher Mr Morris is an author and wanted to have me in his classroom as a guest speaker.

The Statistics and Analytics of my Idaho book tour. @Kcrosswriting

The Presentation:

—Focused on the daily life of an author, how to put a book together (I showed them cover progressions like you’ll find here and went through the editing process, marketing, etc.), and why writers write.

—I presented 5 times. 4 history classes (Mr Morris’s), 1 Honors English, 1 regular english class. About 175 kids.

The Outcome:

—I gave away 20 books (one set each class and a few others at the end).

—I sold about 10 books.

—Gave away at least 100 bookmarks.

—Mr. Morris was kind enough to copy the flyers announcing my book signings and the public library event to distribute to those interested. At the end of the slide show, I had a slide with my contact info. Lots of kids took a picture of it.

Worth it?

The kids who were most interested spoke with me after class. Many of them emailed me portions of their writing, or messaged me on Wattpad to ask for feedback.

I had around 7-10 people attend the public library event because of these two schools combined.

Emerson Book Club

How I connected—Through a friend of my brother. He worked at Emerson school, took a book to the library when it released, and the librarian decided to do it for their book club. When he found out I was coming, he asked if I’d make an appearance.

Presentation—This was the most laid back because it was on the students lunch break, I just talked to them and answered their questions. No powerpoint.

—Met about 10 students and 3 adults/teachers.

Blue Sage Writers of Idaho

Statistics and Analytics from my Idaho Book Tour. @kcrosswriting

This was taken from their blog website. Click on the photo if you’re interested in more.

How I connected: I googled ‘writing groups’ 2 months before the tour.

Presentation: Since they are a writing group (and have been for twenty years) I mostly wanted to meet them and talk with them, which I did. I ended up chatting with them about my experience in indie publishing.

—2 of them came to my presentation at the library.

The Idaho Falls Public Library

How I connected: I emailed the library (about two months in advance) about doing an author event. Publishing and Writing 101 with @kcrosswriting at the Idaho Falls Public Library May 14th, 2015

How I marketed it: Announced it at every appearance beforehand. (Schools, book club, writers group).

—Asked local friends to share it on Facebook.

—Facebook ad targeted to the Idaho Falls area.

—Promoted pin for the Idaho Falls area (I ended up paying $3.42 and it had 1, 667 impressions, 8 repins, and 9 clicks). I don’t know if anyone came based on finding it from Pinterest.

—Community calendars online (at least three- the first ones that came up on Google).

—NPR radio (announced it over 5 stations) and one of the other local radio stations that reports community events.


The presentation: Powerpoint slideshow. (Click here to let me know if you want a copy).

—Printed out contact sheets, provided a sheet of paper, a pen, a bookmark, and a free Miss Mabel’s Caramel.

Statistics and Info from my Idaho Book Tour. @kcrosswriting
Statistics and Info from my Idaho Book Tour. @kcrosswriting

Outcome: 40 people attended. I had only anticipated and hoped for more than 10. We ran out of tables and had to line chairs along the edges.

—Only 4 were my family members.

—I knew/had some connection with only half of the people who came. The rest were organic.

Book Signings

Statistics and Analytics from my Idaho Book Tour. @kcrosswriting #indiepublishers


How I connected: I called Hastings and made the arrangements over the phone about two months in advance.

Marketing: Facebook, handed out flyers at presentations, and word of mouth.


How I connected: My old high school friend Courtney worked at Starbucks. I worked through her to get permission from her manager, who was only too happy to let me come.

Marketing: Facebook, handed out flyers at presentations, and word of mouth.

Overall Numbers

Total money made: at least $450. (I haven’t tallied all of it up from checks, cash, and credit card). I also gave discounts to students, teachers, and friends.

Total books sold: Uncertain, but around 70.

Books given away: around 50 (to students mostly).

Effect on ebook sales (amazon only): After pulling out of KDP, my 5-7 sales a day (not including borrows) decreased to an average of 1 sale per day. During my book tour, I sold at least two books per day.

This does not reflect my sales on Kobo, Nook or iTunes, which also saw an increase.


Effect on Wattpad: My following increased by about twenty followers. My story, Bon Bons to Yoga Pants continues to rank anywhere between #11-18 in chicklit, but my number of Unique Visitors increased to 105 in one day.

10560333_10100601156785714_8565122733714974256_oKatie Cross loves cookies, weight lifting, and talking about her indie author experience.Visit her website KCrossWriting to see more posts on analytics and statistics of her journey. When she’s not running in the mountains with her two vizslas, she’s writing YA fantasy stories about dragons, castles, magic, and kick !@#*($ females who don’t need a man to save them.

Six Degrees of Separation

Make friends with your fellow writers.

Who, the people I’m competing against for publication contracts, agents’ attention, spots in magazines and anthologies?

Yes, them.

Why?  I need publishers, editors, reviewers and readers.  But I’m the writer.  Why do I need other writers?

Very few people are good at everything, and, particularly when you’re starting out, you can save a lot of time, money, and or mental strain by getting some advice from someone who’s done something before.  If you’re in a tough patch, a fellow writer may be more than a sympathetic ear:  they may actually know a coping strategy that worked for them.  And who will know your field better than a fellow writer?

I remember expressing frustration that I couldn’t take part in a book launch event because, at the time, my only publications had been in anthologies and the event was for novelists only.  If I’d been on my own, my aspirations might have ended there.  Instead, I vented to a writer friend of mine.

She said she knew two other writers in the same position as me, and maybe we should get together and do our own launch.  We could call it an “Author Launch” since the books we were in had multiple contributors.  I was in.

Where could we have it?  At the time, I was working for a Business Improvement organization.  One of our member businesses provided us a meeting space, free of charge, on the proviso that the invitees purchase a certain dollar amount worth of food and drink.

Another person knew a guy who specialized in film and photography.  Another person knew a bigger-name local author who agreed to be our master of ceremonies.  Another person designed and printed some posters, which we all helped to distribute.  The authors were invited to be on a radio program.  The local sci-fi community came on board.

We packed the room.  We sold books.  We had fun, and got our names out there.

I could never have pulled off that event all by myself.

Fellow writers can introduce you to key people:  agents, publishers, editors.  They can let you know about new markets, calls for submissions, convention events.  If you want to know who designed their web site, their book cover, their business cards:  you can ask them.

Going to a convention is a lot more affordable when there’s four people splitting the cost of  a hotel room and gas.  This blog is created by a group of writers who met via Superstars Writing Seminars and decided to start a blog together.  I certainly couldn’t maintain the demands of five blog posts a week all on my own!

One big caveat.  The idea is that writers help out other writers, but nobody wants to be friends with someone who is just using them for contacts.  If you take and take and never give back, people will notice.  If you only talk to someone when you want something, people will notice.

In order to benefit from the Six Degrees, you have to be willing to give back.

In every group you will find people you click with and people you don’t, and that’s okay.  If you spend time with people who have a common interest (writing), you will naturally gravitate towards some of them.  It’s likely you and they will have other interests and commonalities–the foundation of friendship.  Some people may not be interested in getting to know you, or may be too busy.  That’s okay too.  Let them go, and focus on the people who return your interest.

If you say you are going to do something for someone, do it unless an extreme circumstance arises.  Being hospitalized is an extreme circumstance.  Putting it off until you feel like it is not.  Most people will be understanding of an unexpected emergency, but if over time you develop a reputation for not making good on your word, it will be hard to shake.

Every writer has to strike a balancing act between writing (what we’re all here to do) and non-writing activities in support of our writing.  Some of those activities may include blogging, conventions, writers’ groups, and hanging out with our writing friends.  It’s your responsibility to decide how much socialization is important (because career-related discussion, venting, support and advice is very important) and how much is procrastination posing as time well spent.  You can’t volunteer for everything if you hope to get your writing done, so choose carefully what you’re going to do:  pick things that will support your career, allow you to give back to your fellow writers, and still leave you time for the writing itself.

Style As Your Fingerprint

There’s not a lot out there about developing one’s writing style. Because it’s supposed to be yours, right? No one is supposed to help you shape that:  it’s uniquely yours. YOUR voice. But how far, exactly, can you go with that? When does style obstruct grammar rules? When does style turn off potential editors and publishers? Unfortunately, there is no right answer.

Let me explain.

Over the years, I have heard various editors from Baen, Harper Collins, Shadow Mountain, and other publishing houses on panels explain, “I want something new. I don’t want the next Stephen King. I don’t want the next Stephanie Meyer. I want you. I want your unique style and your unique voice.” One might be thrilled to hear this call for individualism. “Then I’ll send in my personal style where I don’t use quotations, and don’t capitalize anything!” I want to say that takes it too far. But then again, there’s James Frey. Munch on this little excerpt from his break out novel A Million Little Pieces.

Hey, Buddy.
His voice is deep and dark.
Hey, Buddy.
Tracks crisscross his forearms.
I’m talking to you.
Scars run the length of his wrists.
I’m talking to you.
I look in his eyes. They’re blank.
He points.
That’s my chair.
I turn back to the television.

Did that blow your mind? It should. Most manuscripts that stylized do seem to make it past the slush pile… across the desk and into the trash can.

“Perhaps I’ll send in my manuscript of one-liners that play around a semblance of a plot!” Again, I’m hesitant to negate this, too. Behold the king of one-liners, Oscar Wilde.

“How about my hard-to-follow stream of consciousness novel?” I must hold back from rolling my eyes and sighing, as this is what James Joyce is famous for.

“Ah, but my extremely lengthy novel filled with citations!” I would say that would be

This is DFW's annotations on Don De Lillo's Players, for crying out loud. Imagine what Infinite Jest is like.
These are DFW’s annotations in Don De Lillo’s Players. Now imagine what Infinite Jest is like.

boring, but then again, David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest is on almost every bookshelf of every English major in America.

A very wise editor and friend, Joshua Essoe, once told me something along the lines of: “Prove you know what the rules are before you go and break them.” I think this is fantastic advice for new writers. Editors and publishers need to trust that you know what you’re doing. Slowly injecting your style as you go is the way to job security.

At the same time, I can’t help but wonder: what if the authors I’ve mentioned above had done the same? Maybe if they hadn’t boldly stepped out into the world with their styles fully realized, style wouldn’t be as important as it is today. Maybe we should be so bold as to say, “Yes, I know my style is unique, but just read it, and let me know if it doesn’t just knock your socks off.” Because chances are, if your story is solid and engaging, your style will only add to it.

About Kristin Luna:
Kristin Luna copyKristin Luna has been making up stories and getting in trouble for them since elementary school. She writes book reviews for Urban Fantasy Magazine, contributes to the blog The Fictorians, and her short story “The Greggs Family Zoo of Odd and Marvelous Creatures” was featured in the anthology One Horn to Rule Them All alongside Peter S. Beagle and Todd McCaffrey. Her short story “Fog” recently appeared on Pseudopod. Kristin lives in San Diego with her husband Nic.